
Notes on Windows box

God Mode

To activate God Mode, right-click the desktop and select New>Folder. Highlight this folder, press F2 and name it:


Broken chrome

Encountered Issue 838707: Win10 Spring Update 1803 causes ERR_TIMED_OUT,

This seems to occur when chrome is installed, and then the spring update is applied, and somehow the system gets into a broken state. It hoses the system crypto library. Google and MS have both declined to actually fix this.

Actual solution was found in support forums, but you will have to click the 'load more comments' button many times, until you see a post by LarryLACa dated 12/6/18

B) CryptSvc Manual Registry fix instructions, preened from Bug 838707: The instructions look long, but will probably take longer to read them than to do. You need to delete the Root level, but it takes a few steps to get there and be safe along the way. The instructions boil down to:

  1. Open Run, type in regedit

  2. Go here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\Root\

  3. Right-click ProtectedRoots > Permissions and pick your account .

    Tick Allow Full Control

  4. Open Task Manager > stop Cryptographic Service

  5. In regedit, delete Root (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates)

  6. Restart Windows

For detail instructions, see B.1 below

Broken clock

Windows defaults to local time instead of UTC; to use UTC,


Really old windows notes

Winamp 2.95 is also still good. I still have a little code snippet for controlling it from a Hauppauge remote.