- osc1337 - terminal graphics
- grpc - grpc server / client
- stlogging - port of Stata `log using`
- vp - convert P-values to corresponding video poker hands
- static - static local variables
- cns - port of SAS color naming system
- in-R installer for c2d4u
- stackoverflow - snippets from stackoverflow
- hashtrick - feature hasing using openSSL
- AWR.Athena - wrapper for Athena JDBC connections
- hiveuberjar - wrapper for Hive JDBC Uber Jar
- AWR.Batch - submit jobs to AWS Batch
- AWR.Lambda - wrapper for AWS Lambda API
- AWR.Lambda - wrapper for AWS S3 API
- AWR.Redshift - wrapper to Redshift JDBC driver
- Rip46 - ip4/6 functions
- RcppJson - json for Rcpp
- easyslider - easier sliders for Shiny
- - retrieve EC2 price data as dataframe
- suicide - timeouts for R scripts
- fuego port of python's fire package
- chad - lightweight acceptance testing
- tron - easy trace logging
- ht - tiny hash table
- njnmdoc - static site generator
- drift - a 7drl project
- nb2mail - convert jupyter notebooks to MIME emails
- - update Jira and push to a slack channel
- gtaskcli - CLI for google tasks
Chrome Extensions
- odinochka - minimalist tab vault
- gruppy - tab group toggle
- zasnut - automatic tab hibernation
- dacha - static startpage integration for new tabs
- bprox - UCLA/SOCKS5 proxy manager
- frecell - ncurses unicode fork
- pumpkin - resize an EC2 instance in-place
- fzf-jump - bash z clone
- resume template - in markdown
- makesnippets - snippet manager
- logparserwinedocker - legacy winXP log parser tool, in wine, in docker
- sshd-gh-key-helper - debian packaged config to import SSH keys from GH.